Paris Blue


Last week I answered a call to retake part of the Nia blue belt intensive that was taking place in Paris, France. It has only been little over a month since I completed the Black belt training, and here comes an invitation to experience blue. The blue belt training is the second belt training in Nia Technique, it explores the art of communication with the intention of creating intimacy through somatic relationships.

During the training, I was reminded of , yet again, how rich and deep this work is, it’s not just a 50 minutes fitness class. In Blue belt, I am asked to look into the relationship I have with objects, music, moves and of course my body. Examine what do I bring into my relationship that makes it flourish, and what can I bring instead if it doesn’t. Expand my awareness of myself from just a body to a mental, emotional and spiritual being, and bring them all along when teaching a class, not just the technique. It invites me to observe, listen and guide, to make space for pleasure based choices.


What added to the joy of exploring the blue belt principles and being among Nia people, is the presence of the only other Nia teacher in Saudi, Amal Ismail, who I’m so lucky to have as a dear cousin. Sharing this experience with her was priceless, and I hope we both can expand Nia in Saudi and the whole region.

My personal intention is to go back to the base of Nia, the 52 Moves, and to the base of the body. It all starts with the feet and the sensations and information they allow us to experience. Bringing my awareness to my feet, during class and everyday activities, is a goal I intend to cultivate through understanding the anatomy of the base, slowing down, sensing my feet while I dance through life.

I’m deeply grateful to my blue belt trainers, Helen Terry and Ann Christiansen for their brilliant presence, mastery and  for creating a safe space for me to expand my awareness of myself. I look forward to experience this training, and other training, again and again. The depth of knowledge and wisdom in these trainings allow for new discoveries and inspirations, plus as we are all ever so changing, I’m a different person every time. 


For more info about Nia classes in Saudi Arabia

Nia Jeddah

Nia Dhahran

Nia Saudi Arabia

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