Am I Multi-talented or Distracted?


Today was one of the days that I stopped and started thinking of what do I really want to be doing, and what direction I want to take in my life. It seems like every now and then I’m guided toward something different. Regarding my Nia practice, I’m getting many signs to focus my practice towards individuals who don’t normally move. Attracting individuals who already like to move and exercise didn’t feel like the challenge I want to take. Teaching those who don’t like to move, who don’t want to go to the high energy classes that seems to be the trend now, is a challenge I would like to take.

Then, I come across an Autism movement therapy book that got me excited about volunteering at an Autism center and offer movement sessions ( not sure if they will take me as I don’t have qualification other than my passion). At the same time, I’m still working on my certification as a  Radical Living Coach. And after taking LE level 1, you can read about it here, I’m really excited to take this knowledge forward.

So I sat down and wrote the things that get me excited:

Coaching (health and movement)

Movement (Nia, dance/movement therapy/ seniors/ kids)

Books (book club, reviews, sharing books)

Writing (want to be writing more)

Radical Forgiveness Coaching

Leadership Embodiment

Be an inspiration

If anyone asks me what do I do, I can’t possible fully answer with one answer…what is it that I really do? So this got me thinking, am I easily distracted or am I multi talented that I need different directions to satisfy all my needs? Whenever I find a subject that excites me, I dig deeper and learn about it, only to find another subject that is more exciting after a while!

In addition to my interests mentioned above, I studied Biochemistry for my bachelor degree (can’t even recognize the person I was who wanted to work on research in labs!), I also got my Master’s in Nonprofit Management.

So how on earth will I tie all these experiences together? I have no idea! All I know is that I’m happy taking it one step at a time and follow my curiosity and interests. Will have to wait and see what i will end up doing with all the things I’m learning. Meanwhile, I will keep exploring and learning, and hope to be an inspiration and share my gifts with the universe.

“The one thing you have that nobody else has is you. Your voice, your mind, your story, your vision. So write and draw and build and play and dance and live as only you can. copy

Elizabeth Gilbert’s Super Soul Session, below, resonated with me deeply. I read about individuals following their Calling and was inspired by their stories and their ability to stick with their vision and goals. The thing for me was, whenever I figure out my Calling, I find something else that is more interesting to be my Calling! for the full session go here.

Now I realize, my Calling is to follow my curiosity and be the humming bird only me can be 🙂

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