Start Your Journey To Integration And Wellness Today

Embodiment Coach & Educator, and Movement and Expressive Dance Facilitator

Start Your Journey to awareness and integration Today!

Embodied Parenting

Parenting begins with us. Knowing and understanding ourselves support us in being the parent we want for our children.

Embodied Self Awareness

Our posture and how we move affects how we feel and think. Many of us have disconnected from sensing and feeling our body and therefore lost connection to the body wisdom.

كيف حالي؟

الجهاز العصبي اللاإرادي يتحكم في حالة جسدنا الداخلية (مثل التنفس والهضم وحركة القلب) وهدفه حمايتنا من الخطر. للجهاز العصبي حالات مختلفة وتؤثر على مشاعرنا . . وافكارنا وردة فعلنا وتعاملنا مع المحيط من حولنا. التعرف على هذة الأحوال وفهمها وطريقة تجسيدها يساعدنا على فهم انفسنا بطريقة أعمق ويساعدنا لإختيار ردة فعلنا

I Support you in your journey back home to your body

Get to Know Me

Manal Al Dabbagh

Polyvagal informed Parenting coach, Somatic educator, and Expressive Movement facilitator

My journey back home to my body started in 2008 when I consciously started sensing and understanding that my body is part of who I am, and I can’t fully know myself without bridging the gap between my head and body. Being in harmony within helps me be the person I want to be in relation to myself, my family, and others. Being home in our body and experiencing harmony within is my intention in all the work I offer, guided by embodied knowledge and led by curiosity, kindness and choice.

My Coaching Approach

I support clients reconnect with their body, find a deeper connection with how they move and feel, become aware of their embodiment and how they show up to the world. Based on over ten years of training, teaching, and practicing body-based practices such as Nia, Dancing Mindfulness, Embodied Yoga Principles, 5R, and Tai Chi.

I fully respect where people are on their journey. Each person is unique and has different needs and pace. I approach each session with an open mind and plan, follow the client’s needs and curiosity, and witness what unfolds organically. I believe having agency and choice are essential elements in coaching to empower clients to take the steps they can to achieve their goal. 

I’m not a therapist or psychologist. My work can be an excellent supplement to therapy but does not replace it; I stay within my scope of practice and don’t claim therapeutic or healing results. However, I fully understand that working with the body can surface strong feelings or traumatic experiences. I trained to be trauma-informed and to recognize the client’s needs. Being polyvagal informed helps me calibrate the session according to their capacity, help them understand their nervous system, stay within their window of tolerance and expand it. 

We are complex beings; we have many parts (body, mind, brain) that may conflict with each other and hold paradoxes within ourselves. We can define ourselves in a rigid and confined version of who we should be. Bringing awareness to these different parts and finding integration within (link the differentiation) is an essential step towards wellbeing and harmony.

“The ultimate expression of integration is awareness, kindness, compassion, and love.” Dan Siegel. 

What Our Students Had To Say

When I first heard of Manal’s sessions I was very intrigued I wasn’t very familiar with women’s circle or embodiment Manal’s way of holding space and guidance through a session she’s offering/giving Is mind-blowing yet seems so effortless Noticed a huge shift in my being after attending her sessions/workshops Manal lovingly helped me peel layers of conditioning and start a journey of self-love and discovery.

May Bashawri

I attended one class with manal (women’s circle) and i felt a huge difference mentally as soon as I left the class. She is a wonderful instructor, i felt very comfortable and calm when sharing during the class. I highly recommend attending any of her classes.

Reema Bashawri

منال من الأشخاص القليله اللي قابلتها في مجتمعنا العربي اللي عندها المهارات و القدره على أن تعطي اللي قدامها المساحه الكافيه للتعبير و الوصول للأجوبه بأنفسهم من غير نصايح و محاضرات. حقيقيه لأبعد الحدود و حقيقتها و كرمها و شغفها الحقيقي هم اللي جذبوني لها بالدرجه الأولى.

غدير السلمي

I really enjoyed exploring and connecting with my body in a deeper and new light in the Body Awareness Online Classes with Manal. She offers a safe space to do so, I ended up feeling more blessed, grateful and more connected to my body after each class. I definitely recommend these classes to explore the many ways you can connect with and appreciate your body. I personally would take the classes again just to explore how much has changed since my first time. Thank you Manal for these classes, I am glad to have the opportunity to join them!

Nada Body Awareness Online Classes

Thank you, Manal for having me join Parenting with Presence as a nonparent. The course for me was an eye-opening experience into exploring the perception of bringing a parent from the point of view of an adult daughter. I was able to understand my parents and relate to them more. I also knew more about myself. The exercises in awareness and coping mechanisms were very insightful, as they can be applied beyond the scope of parenting in life. Being in a safe, judgement-free space with other mothers was a great learning and bonding experience for me. It was a pleasure and I recommend this course for mothers, mothers to be, and women who are interested in this topic and knowing more about themselves.

Nada Parenting with Presence

News & Articles


Start the Conversation Podcast launched in 2020, covering a wide range of topics with a central theme of holistic wellbeing. The podcast is in Arabic except the ones with my teachers who contributed to what I do today.


Read articles written for other publications, watch videos on my work and listen to interviews on various platforms. Learn more about my journey and work.


Read personal reflections on experiences and thoughts that I find myself expressing through words. Covers many experiences I had and things I did in the last six years.