Happy New Year 🙂
For the past few years, I didn’t set goals or make resolutions for the new year. Instead, I find inspiring words and ideas and let those organically guide me to what I want to do and manifest in the upcoming year. However, in December I was getting inspirations to do things differently this year. Ideas for 2017 was popping up in my head, and I felt intrigued to set them as goals for 2017.
Along with the goals below, I have mindfulness, awareness, and joy as qualities to cultivate. Traveling and movement are an essential part of personal growth and expansion for me.
May your every day of 2017 brings you closer to who and where you want to be.
1- Read 100 Books in 2017
Yes! 100 books in a year! If you met me, you would know I love books. I got excited about this goal after reading an article with the same title. 100 books a year means reading 2 books a week! To achieve this, I had to set strategies as follows:
Minimize time spent on social media. I deleted Facebook and Snapchat from my phone; I spend way too much time checking useless info and watching what other people are doing, simply put, a waste of time.
Set time every day to read instead of watching TV.
Read books on different subject simultaneously. Different moods call for different books.
Listen to audiobooks in the car and while walking. (hopefully a motivation for me to walk, and yes I’m counting listening as reading 😉
Keep a book handy in all places…thanks Kindle 🙂
Here are some of the books on my bookshelf. Some I had for few years, others I started reading and soon put them down. If you have any book suggestions, leave it in the comment section below.
This is curiosity based, Is it possible to go for a year without buying clothes, shoes or other stuff?! I have been minimizing what I buy for a while, and most recently, buying ethically sourced items. But to not buy anything seems like a big challenge. Less time spent shopping online means more time to read! Two goals in one!
I got the inspiration of how to go about and do this from Sarah Lazarovic, and her Buyerarchy of Needs. Acknowledging there will be a time when I will need something I don’t have, buying would be the last option not first.
There are so many health theories nowadays that it can get overwhelming to find one to follow. I have been thinking of eliminating sugar or eating raw for a while now, and for the health resolution for the year, I was conflicted about what to do. I did want to eliminate sugar but not for a year! So I found the solution to eliminate something for a month, and then decide to reintroduce it or not. I know many experts recommend at least 2-3 months of elimination time to notice a difference. But since this is my experiment…I make the rules 🙂
For January, I’m eliminating added sugar.
So this is my plan for 2017, what are your plans?
Loved this post! Thanks for sharing your goals, you’ve inspired me 🙂 Happy new year!
Thank you 🙂