I woke up today still excited and on a high from yesterday’s event. The high that arises from connection and belonging to a community.
To back up a little, maybe six weeks ago, I reached out to Mariam with an idea of having a virtual women wellness day. At the time, I was already involved with The Embodiment Conference and have been on dozen or more, one-day events. I was inspired to create a similar container for our community. Collaborations, connection, and community are values I hold dear, and ones I chose to set the as an intention for 2020.
Within six weeks, that phone call turned to more meetings and more people involved. Wafa and Sara joined the team, and we were able to organize a day of wellness for women. You can find more details here.
There is a magic that happens when a group of people, women, in this case, come together for one collective goal, that is to connect, share, and inspire. Every speaker came with a passion for sharing their expertise and contributing to the collective, and the result was beyond what I expected. It was close to what I experience in a women circle, more about that here.
The dance between the I and the We, and everything in between, is a dynamic and ever emerging dance. We can’t live in a community focusing only on ourselves, and we can’t find harmony in the community without knowing ourselves, isn’t that fascinating!
For me, at the heart of it all is trust. Trust and surrender to what is and what will be. More on that probably needs another blog post.

I’m grateful for everything and everyone that supported me, directly and indirectly, to who and where I am today.